Dr Jo Jury
Clinical Psychologist
01174 562479
Postgraduate Certificate in Psychological Therapies
Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health Graduate Work
BSc (Hons) in Psychology with Criminology
MSc Health Psychology
Professional doctorate in clinical psychology
Complex physical health conditions
Complex mental health conditions & difficulties
Learning disabilities
A Bit About Dr Jo Jury
Dr Jo Jury is a Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) registered Clinical Psychologist with over 13 years of clinical experience in the fields of complex physical and mental health care within the NHS and HM Prison Service. Alongside this she has extensive experience of supervising qualified clinical, health and counselling psychologists as well as pre-qualified psychologists (trainees, assistant psychologists), and of service development and leadership.
Specialist areas of expertise include:
Long-term physical health conditions (e.g. chronic pain, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, diabetes, IBS, COPD, respiratory conditions, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis & long covid)
Common mental health difficulties (e.g. anxiety, depression / low mood, stress)
Assessment and formulation of complex mental health difficulties
Learning / Intellectual disabilities
Professional Qualifications:
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (DClinPsych Clinical Psychology)
Masters Degree in Health Psychology (MSc Health Psychology)
Post-Graduate Certificate in Psychological Therapies (PGCert)
Post-Graduate Certificate in Mental Health Graduate Work (PGCert)
Bachelors degree in Psychology with Criminology (BSc Honors Psychology with Criminology)
Professional Training Courses:
DClinPsy Supervisor and Advanced Supervisor Training
Formulating around long term conditions
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Association for Contextual Behavioural Science)
Understanding and working with the consequences of childhood sexual abuse
HCPC Membership Number: